O evento é virtual, gratuito e reunirá trabalhos e discussões sobre as áreas da graduação da ESAB.

  • Sessões de Comunicação

    Apresentações sobre temas relevantes com estudiosos e profissionais das áreas.

  • Painel Virtual

    Divulgação e discussão de trabalhos científicos em forma de pôster

  • Networking

    No evento você terá a oportunidade de estabelecer e ampliar o relacionamento com profissionais e pesquisadores.

  • Mesas Redondas

    Debates acadêmicos sobre temas contemporâneos

  • Certificado

    Serão emitidos certificados para todos os participantes. Os estudantes de graduação da ESAB poderão aproveitar como carga horária das Atividades Complementares.

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Linhas temáticas
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Pôsteres no Painel Virtual
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I Jornada Científica ESAB



Gilberto Alvares

Gilberto Alvares

Advogado em Direito Econômico com foco em Sustentabilidade da Gilberto Alvares & Advogados Associados, Diretor Jurídico da Tecbras Empreendimentos e membro da G.Ambiental & Crédito de Carbono.
    Lorena Zucatelli dos Santos

    Lorena Zucatelli dos Santos

    Advogada e Consultora jurídica em Meio Ambiente, ESG e LGPD. Especializações em Direito Internacional, pela Escola Paulista de Direito (2010); Mudanças Climáticas e Projetos de Créditos de Carbono pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas (2011); Legal English pela Girton College – Cambridge University (2012); MBA em Gestão do Desenvolvimento Sustentável nas Organizações pela FUCAPE Business School (2016); Pós-graduanda em Direito Ambiental pelo CEI (2022); Curso sobre Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) pela StartSe; Certificação em Encarregado de Dados Pessoais (DPO) pelo SERPRO (2022).


      Event Speakers

      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


      Event Schedules

      Business Strategy
      • 08:00 - 10:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A

      Business Strategy

      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.

      • 11:00 - 13:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A


      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.

      Convening Leaders
      • 08:00 - 10:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A

      Convening Leaders

      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.

      Gathering for Meet
      • 11:00 - 13:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A

      Gathering for Meet

      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.

      Convening Leaders
      • 08:00 - 10:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A

      Convening Leaders

      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.

      Gathering for Meet
      • 11:00 - 13:00
      • Rebecca Mendoza
      • Auditorium A

      Gathering for Meet

      The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.


      Our Sponsors

      • Location

        545, Marina Rd.,
        Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard,
        Dubai 123234

      • Line Phone

        +977 20 271043

      • Mobile Phone

        +977 722 225591

      • Email

      Vagas limitadas para a apresentação de trabalhos